As we begin 2025 and reflect on the life-sustaining value of living kidney donation, we wanted to highlight this story update we first published in 2019...
“What a difference a year with your kidney has made,” said kidney transplant recipient Mark Fairey.
We're delighted to share the following messages posted on Facebook in November 2019 to mark the anniversary of Mark Fairey receiving a kidney transplant from living kidney donor Steve Wimperly. (Earlier in 2019, we published a related story.)
From a Facebook post by Steve’s wife, Tracey Wimperly, with permission from Tracey, Steve and Mark:

A year ago today, Steve donated a kidney to Mark - the son of a friend of ours. Steve's recovery from surgery was uncomplicated and he was back on the ski slopes in January. Because he was so sick at the time of the transplant, Mark has taken longer to rally and recover. But we're delighted to get this update from him. In Mark’s words:
“I am continuing to feel quite well, and following my monthly appointment last week, I’ve graduated to only needing to go in once every two months now for clinic appointments.
What a difference a year with your kidney has made. I definitely remember the summer of 2018, and not too fondly - tons of time in dialysis, and even when I wasn't there, I had zero energy. So while I'm not planning to run a marathon anytime soon, my energy levels and general health are light years ahead of this date last year.
I think you had talked about hoping that your donation would afford me the opportunity to go forth and pursue life in whatever avenue caught my interest. I can report back that it certainly has done so, and I hope to continue to grow and to become the most that I can be.
I know that Erika [Mark’s wife] and I are so grateful for the donation and to be able to celebrate this one year mark while feeling so much better than 365 days ago.”
BC Renal, in partnership with BC Transplant and The Kidney Foundation of Canada, offers a number of resources to support living kidney donation in BC. To access these resources, please see our Transplant pages.